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Old 7th April 2010, 08:31 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Martin,
Thank you so much for the very kind offer! and Im glad I could give some help with this, again my congratulations on a superb hussar sabre!!!

Auughh! To hear of such a deal on one of these M1769 pallasches is incredible. I remember trying to find one during research on the British M1796 disc hilt heavy cavalry swords about 15 years ago, and almost had one. Even then the prices were incredible, over a thousand dollars. I dont think Ive ever seen more than several over the years available, and I would imagine much more so in less travelled sources in Europe.

It is good to see this sabre find a home with someone with such close ties to its original ancestry. Very well done

All the best,
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