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Old 7th April 2010, 09:52 AM   #3
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

Hi Jim,

Thank you very much for analysis. I will try to find the book by Konopsky and Moudry for you, when I am in the Czech Republic this summer.
(Your mention of M1769 pallasch reminds me of a holidays several years ago, when I was trawelling with family around Northern Moravia. It happened that time, that I was on the right place on right time, but without money. In one small antique shop I saw this pallasch in a very good condition and complete with original scabbard - they were asking the price only around 500 USD, but it was rather spare time for us and I could not afford to buy it. From that time I have never seen so nice piece and if yes - without sheath and five times more expensive. I regret this until now.)
Best regards,
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