Thread: Odd little Kuk
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Old 5th April 2010, 02:34 PM   #1
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Default Odd little Kuk

This one has been in a dealers 'case' for the last few months, and I've ignored it.
Today I noticed it minus its sheath, and was suprised to see that despite the classic Indian horn handle which I'd taken to mean it was a 1970s export/souvenier, it does not have the usual plated blade stamped 'MADE IN INDIA'.
In fact on closer inspection the handle is actually quite well made and the blade is hand forged with a double fuller.
But its really small!
So I'm thinking WTH?
Anyway, bought it, appparently the scabbard was 'tatty' so he threw it away.

Another nominee for a light etch do you think?

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