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Old 2nd April 2010, 08:22 PM   #13
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Hi Dom,

I have several like yours as well. Which I would term typical of what most people think of as takouba. (But yours is very nice I like the pommel in particular).

Here's a couple of mine (on the left an older blade, with a nice, forged fuller, on the right a newer piece but still with a forged blade)

What was notable about the one I started the thread with was that it obviously wasn't intended to have the usual leather covering on the hilt and guard, or the plates of decorated brass which are also found on some takouba.

You also find on the ones like yours, or the couple I posted above, that the hilts are constructed in several pieces, round tube for the handle, several pieces for the guard and the pommel in at least two pieces. Often soldered together.

What was new to me about the one at the start of the thread was that it was solid cast as one piece.

I have another slightly strange takouba coming in the mail next week... Quite an ugly duckling in some ways. But I have a weakness for the weird ones.
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