Well observed Richard, and it is great to view a sampling of this guarantee on contemporary sword blades. It does seem clear that this apparant outfitter or retailer of the time applied his business panel on unmarked blades, but the real question is, who made the blades. In these times I have understood that makers in England of course marked thier blades, usually simply with thier name stamp on the blade back, and these lots were sent to the Board of Ordnance to be proved and sold to regimental buyers.
The only blades that came as 'blanks' were typically from Germany, as in the ones that were brokered by J.J.Runkle, and I am unclear if others. In any case, it seems that it would be the height of irony to have a German made blade marked with this English guarantee.
There truly is nothing that compares to these kinds of sword anomalies!! and it will be fascinating to see what more develops.
You really brought in a good one Peter!!! Thank you.
All the best,