Hello Jim and Peter,
For obvious reasons I was reluctant to raise the suggestion that the Tomlinson panel was fake. In fact, I don't think it is but it is very unusual in its form, being so large, crude style etc. and not at all the normal type or style of maker's cartouches from this period. I do therefore think that it is a strong possibility that the panel was added by Tomlinson after the blade was made.
Jim, I had thought that the trade "factor" was some sort of merchant. "Corn-factor" is a term that one comes across frequently in this period. Below are panels from Thomas Gill 1798, James Woolley c. 1797 and John Gill c. 1805 - all from P1796 swords (I have an Osborn photo somewhere and I will add if I can find it)
May & Annis still remains the standard reference work for makers along with Leslie Southwick's London Silver Hilted swords as far as London makers are concerned. But there is nothing like checking original sources such as trade directories.