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Old 30th March 2010, 06:03 PM   #11
Jim McDougall
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Hi Iian,
Thank for the link to the article which looks most interesting. I will see if I can find the Nigerian article online again and see if I can post the link....if anyone out there has it already, please post OK.

On the Spring book, before spending a bunch on it, I should point out that the material toward takoubas and Fulani etc. is not comprehensive as this is primarily an overview, though extremely informative as a benchmark for further research.

The Briggs article (as cited in the article by Lee Jones on this site archives, just move down when opening the home page) . It is not in the Tribes of the Sahara volume, which is primarily text and not on weapons but more of an anthropological view.

Post a query on the swaps forum looking for Spring and perhaps somebody out there has an extra or knows where one is.

All best regards,
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