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Old 30th March 2010, 04:35 AM   #10
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Hola Nando,

After almost all has been said, especially by our learned member A. Senefelder, all that's left to me is to state that in my opinion this chalice clearly reflects the late Italian/early German Renaissance taste of ca. 1530-40. Nevertheless, I am afraid that it actually is a Historismus production of the second half of the 19th century.
Now what does make me think so? It's both the characterization of the faces and the warriors' attitude.

Just my opinion though but as you know the late Gothic and early Renaissance styles are my favorites. It still might originate from the 1530's-40's which would make it a real sensation and price it somewhere in between 10,000 to 15,000 euro. Guess we should be able to see the actual item to make sure.

Highly interesting and important find anyway!

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