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Old 28th March 2010, 11:18 AM   #1
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Default Odd takouba for comment

Hi All,

I've lurked on these forums for a few years, but recently after a long hiatus in collecting have had the funds to obtain a few pieces, mostly takoubas and other African items that fall into the "not so expensive to acquire" category. Currently I find myself in possession of something that doesn't go 'by the book,' so I turn to the experts.

I picked up this takouba the other week. It's rather an odd piece (at least in my limited experience) for a few reasons. First I have to say I sadly haven't handled it in person, I live in Europe but have kind relatives in the States who store my sharp and pointy stuff until I come pick it up every year or so. I do have pictures though...

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First thing that's odd, at least to me, is that the hilt is one solid piece. On other southern style takouba I've seen brass or bronze platting covering the entire hilt, usually in a pommel section, grip section and plates on the guard instead of leather, all joined with welds. This, however looks like a one piece cast hilt - anyone run across anything similar before? The two holes in the handle look drilled, I'm assuming someone did it to mount the sword at some point. It looks to be bronze, although brass is possible - but has a rather dark coppery patina which makes me think bronze.

The blade is a fairly typical takouba blade, three crude fullers, roughly struck half moon stamps, although it's very narrow across and quite dull. The edge shows definite signs of filing or sharpening though, at some point in it's life. It also has the usual completely blunt area next to the guard for 4-5 inches and then the profile of the edge changes (although still dull). I'd hesitate to think that it's particularly old, although the level of pitting and patina seem consistent with first 1/4 of the 20th century. It also has a slight curve to it, like a saber, which you can see a bit on the last photo, it's very slight. The tip is a bit bent (I'll have to see if I can get a photo of it) and squarish.

Has anyone seen a similar piece before? Any comments? Part of me was afraid it was some bizarre tourist piece. But after seeing decent photos and having it waved around for me on skype video I'm inclined to think not. But I'm ready to learn from the many folks here more knowledgeable than myself.

I'd be happy to get more photos, but it might take a day or two as I'm not the one photographing.
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