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Old 27th March 2010, 06:10 PM   #9
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by ganjawulung
By the way, Kai Wee, would you please enlighten me -- what is the significant difference between "terengganu keris" and "bugis keris"? I apologize for being too confused -- especially when you mention that the first picture is a terengganu keris...
As i understand it Ganja, Bugis keris are found in many parts of the Indonesian archipelago as the seafaring Bugis tended to move around alot. But in the various places that they settled their keris can be seen to take on specific characteristics for that specific place. A Terengganu keris can therefore be a Bugis keris in style if it were made by and for Bugis people living in that area. But certainly not all Bugis keris are Teregganu. I think you might find greater differences in the dress than the actual blades, though forging materials may well vary from place to place.
Kai Wee could certainly point out the subtle differences in the various Bugis forms than i ever could.
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