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Old 27th March 2010, 02:42 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
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Excellent!!! There we have it!
Cornelis thank you so much for coming in on this, and I was sure you have have some well placed insight into a weapon of this intriguing nature with such apparantly profound Dutch history connection.
With this information it does seem that this cross hilt weapon was most likely contemporary with the type Mark has noted in "Swords and Hilt Weapons" (c.1660) and probably carved in the colonies.
The connection to the four dot configuration on the blade, while seen on the one stuiver coins of the latter part of the 18th century, while associating this sword with the VOC sphere, cannot be construed as setting the date of the weapon in that period as this symbolic arrangement must have been present earlier.

Cornelis, do you have thoughts or information on what the four dot rosette might signify?

Thank you again for this information, and it is truly exciting to see yet another 'mystery' sword turn out to be an important item of this fascinating part of Dutch history.

All very best regards,
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