Originally Posted by Greybeard
Welcome to Switzerland! I hope you'll enjoy
your stay here. BTW, I live near Aarau, in the
German speaking part of Switzerland.
Of course Heinz, I enjoy staying here although only two nights in the French speaking part of Switzerland in the lake-side of Neuchatel. This morning, is quite a long trip to certain places in the mountain side of La-Chaux-de-Fonds. No keris found, of course. But more than that: many state of the art watches factories in La-Chaux-de-Fonds. Amazing precision craftmanship... Unfortunately, this is my last night in Switzerland, and tomorrow will be another trip to Barcelona, Spain...
Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
It won't be a shrink fit if a pin or key has been used.
It will be a press fit, ie, cut to a very neat fit, but not requiring heat to put in place over the pesi.
If you use a pin after a shrink fit, you actually run the risk of weakening the joint.
Looking at the image, it does look as if iron filings and epoxy, or maybe plastic steel has been used to fill, but you you say this is not the case, OK, its not. But I can't help wondering how the black material that fills the gap between blade and ganja has finished as it has at the tungkakan. Fascinating.
A ganja can build up corrosion in a very short period of time, and under some circamstances, this can bind the ganja to the pesi.
Thanks a lot, Alan for your useful explanations. Salute. Later in Jakarta, I will loop more carefully the part you mention. Especially the black material you mention at the "tungkakan". Is it for fitting? Or just filling the gap between the blade and the ganja -- I mean recent filling the gap with black material, simply intending for just filling, and not fitting the ganja.... Also I will take a look and photo once again, a small spot in one square part of ganja's hole.
Once again, thanks a lot Alan for your knowledgeable explanation..
GANJAWULUNG (Neuchatel, March 23, 2010)