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Old 23rd March 2010, 12:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ariel
A question to Dom:
You mention name Malsa and blade type Beyd.
In the Saudi book on Islamic swords and armour, they mention several names for this type of Jambiya (Muqafalla, Mufarragha, Dharia, Rashaq,Malsa) and several blade types (Muayyar,Beyd, Nafihi,Shbeyl) without any further explanations.
How did they differ from each other?
Can you elaborate?
the same book than you
then, the pic's ... a good magnifying glass
and studies of similarities
- hilt shape
- design in the middle of the blade

I got the chance to have them in hands many time during my 6 years of residence in KSA
where there are much more expensive on suk, than in USA or Europe auctions

à +

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