Thread: African Arms
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Old 20th March 2010, 12:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by KuKulzA28
That's pretty cool! I think this is a rare step in the right direction.

Question is, would you actively use a "good quality original" (antique?).. ?
I think his efforts are commendable... and I also think that the world of ethnographic weaponry/tools needs passioned makers like him (along with everyday users, martial artists, and today's descendants of these traditions) as much as it needs scholars, collectors, and historians.
The answer
I would more likely use a older piece that I paid a couple of hundred for than one of his for $2000. Most of the weapons he is showing seem more status pieces than weapons. Although daggers and some forms of swords were used in battle the real fighting weapons were spear axe and club along with the bow.
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