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Old 19th March 2010, 01:09 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 338

If the sheath is any indication, it may be a Sundang Melayu. The handle completely covered in metal fittings makes me think so as well. The "elephant's head" area of the sor-soran reminds me a lot of peninsula Kris Sundang as opposed to Sulu or Mindanao Kris.

Again, I am far from being an expert on the issue and this is what I see from what I have learned so far. Perhaps the more experienced members can enlighten us? I know there was a thread in the Keris Worung Kopi recently that found a Sundang with Pamor to be a newer made blade with a forced patina/aging on it. Could this be a similar case or is it a legitimate piece?
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