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Old 7th March 2010, 01:04 PM   #9
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After all thougts kindly posted, i have tried to make out a coherent panorama, focusing differently in the scenes, but i came to no conclusion. I wouldn't rule out a collage of random events put up by the decorator ... whether based on concrete events or not.
The efects shown on the cup's base don't seem contemporaneous to the ones shown in the body ... i mean, to me . The lion motive misplaced, the drum looking a bit more modern than the other items (?). Also the wreath style looks later, although i can not discern any numbers ... Manolo .
I also first thought the prisioners were Turks, Snefelder, same time as the soldiers could be Portuguese. After all, Portuguese main enemies when the discoveries period started were the Turks... even in the India coast.
But then, we see no muskets or crossbows, much used at the time.
Also the horses would be a forced situation, in such atempted context (?).
The halberds style look a bit stylized or 'too modern', but that could be the artist's perspective.
A different approach would be whatever nationaly soldiers having assaulted and sacked a determined place and prepare to embark with the loot ... prisioners included.
But sincerly, i think is best give up my brilliant deductions and resume to the sum of the opinnions given here by you fellows.
Thanks again.
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