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Old 4th March 2010, 04:06 PM   #6
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Hola Nando,

To me, they look like Spanish 15-16th C. soldiers. The wreath around the cups on the chalice's base seem like an stylized 92, taking into consideration both sides.

In 1492 the Spanish finally defeated the last arab stronghold in the peninsula, expelling them. Spain also embarked in the first voyage that brought the European discovery of America.

Spanish soldiers / ships being readied / Muslims / 92

Its a possibility...

Regarding race, I guess that they should all be considered Europeans (formerly "caucasians"), since Moors were mostly of this race, specially in in 15-16th C.'s Palestine, Turkey and North Africa. Now-a-days, their racial composition is like that of us Christians, quite eclectic.



Originally Posted by fernando
This chalice, made by French 'Argentier' Christofle, was recently acquired by a friend of mine.
I know this is not a weapon, but this forum policy is rather tolerant and there certainly are members here with lots of general knowledge, being rather possible that i could enlightened towards the meanning of this piece decoration.
We can see soldiers, prisioners, ships, horses, drums, trompets and the like.
My question is: are these efects the fruit of the decorator's imagination, or could they be allegoric to some historical military event or period?
Are the soldiers and prisioners recognized as being from a determined race?
Any coments will be so much welcome.


Last edited by celtan; 4th March 2010 at 04:21 PM.
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