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Old 24th February 2010, 07:46 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Question about a briquet

OK, against my better judgement (and finances) I bid on and won this auction. The sword I really wanted was the iron-hilted specimen ca.1810-30 period. The brass hilt briquet came with it.

I know there is a whole area of study on these swords (Jean Binck, are you out there?!) and France, Russia, Spain, the Prussian republics, etc, all had their own types. This one lacks the Klingenthal or St Eteinne marks, any cyrillic markings or the classic 'Ano Toledo' marks found on Span pieces. I doubt its naval, as no anchor stamps or etchings on it, so I'm assuming infantry. My question is-

Does anyone recognise the odd markings on it?
Is it infantry?
Country of origin?
Time Frame?

The brass looks cleaned, but the blade seems old enough. Strange that the markings look more modern. Stamped later? No searches pulled up anything for 'WAR PD Wp CAS tl'

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