Originally Posted by Nathaniel
These shark tooth weapons are truly wicked...I would hate to see the nasty gashes made by a slash with one of these. The Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawai'i in the USA has a fantastic weapons collection that are shark teeth lined...that is the extent of what I've seen  Thanks for sharing..and comments Fern and Vandoo 
Back a number of years ago, a forumite actually chopped some cardboard with a shark-tooth weapon, just to see how it cut. He wasn't able to slash with it. As I recall, the teeth went in just fine, but when he pulled for the draw cut, the teeth grabbed rather than slicing. So instead of getting sliced by one of these, apparently you get a row of puncture wounds to gashes.
Hopefully that thread is sitting in the old archives somewhere. The archive search doesn't seem to be working at the moment.