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Old 16th February 2010, 06:47 PM   #11
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you Richard for the supportive note and good observations on the use of this symbolic image on these blades.
Good observations Manolo, along with Richard, this symbol does seem to have an 'oriental' element to it at times, especially with the scimitar type sword. It is important to note that from the times of the crusades and into the Renaissance period, there was a distinct melding of styles and forms from the Ottomans into Eastern Europe. The adoption of exotic weapon influences by European military officers was not at all unusual, and the employing of such exotica to sword blades may or may not have had deeper symbolic associations. It is hard to imagine what may have been intended temporally by the engravers, however it is well known that a certain wry wit was often present, with certain inuendos deliberately applied. This same deeper symbolic application is well known by students of fine arts in the study of paintings, especially those of the masters.

With that being the case Fernando, its hard to say about the very astute observations you have noted, but they surely seem well placed .
As for the deliberate joining of blade to hilt for sale to a naieve collector, I think such things are always in the back of our minds. However, in this venue we are simply assessing weapons from photographic evidence, and all we can do is surmise why a weapon may seem to have incongruent elements. It is well known that weapons in thier working lives were often refurbished and repaired. There are many well established instances of heirloom blades used in more modern mount; obviously trade blades mounted in local hilt forms with ethnographic forms; use of 'exotic' weapon elements along with standard military forms such as seen in the British Raj and ceremonial or presentation weapons specially mounted.
The only way we can actually establish accurate viability in assessment is of course with hands on handlng to closely examine the weapon, otherwise here I am inclined to offer optimistic observations based on what can be seen in photos I always hope for the best.

I think your idea about the use of the longer blade for potentially threatening situations makes sense, and as I noted, the 'fancy' hilt would not detract from the deadly viability of this blade as circumstances arose. This would have been very much the case if an officer had assumed a certain reputation as a 'duellist'. These much romaticized figures were of course very much present, so it seems feasible idea.

All very best regards,
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