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Old 15th February 2010, 09:43 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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While this is clearly an elegant courtly dress sword, it seems clear that it has military orientation, and not only from the earlier blade carrying a degree of motif with military theme. The drum is of course obvious, and as has been pointed out, the armored sword wielding arm extending from a cloud.

While this ethereal allegory alludes presumably to the mighty Sword of God, it was a device that seems to have evolved quite early as a heraldic symbol in either the late 16th, into the 17th, taken up with certain talismanic applications on sword blades of Europe. It seems to typically appear as the armoured arm with sword out of a cloud, but it seems the example used by Peter Munich in the late 16th century has what appears to be an ermined element very much in heraldic style. This would seem to follow the 'mighty' sword theme, but with a regal rather than religious emphasis.

By the 18th century, along with the ethereal cabbalistic symbols that became prevalent on sword blades of Europe, especially the trade blades of Solingen, these armored arm swords out of clouds lent well to the talismanic theme. While again, it is noted that the symbol quite present in a number of heraldic arms, on sword blades it is used much more temporally than as a distinct representation of individual or nationality.

It is also important to note that these decorative engraved motifs on sword blades evolved using astral and cabbalistic themes primarily from the hunting and court swords of the 18th century. This practice seems to have gained popularity from German blades during this time, probably from the increased marketing promoting existing fashions, and soon became adopted widely in other blade making centers. While these are presumed to have been seen as talismanic blades, it is likely the emphasis was on fashion and quality over any imbued protective qualities.

Returning to the style and features of the mounts on this sword, the guard with vertically raised centre in the crossguard, essentially half shell with the obverse side left flush, is comparable to British infantry officers 'spadroons' of c.1780-1810. These straight swords of this period include the well known 'five ball hilt' swords, which of course emphasize the 'beaded' motif so popular at this time, also seen on cut steel smallswords with similar neoclassic styling, urn type pommels, and this type of grip profile in some cases.

The idea of a heirloom blade was placed on my part only because it is clearly an earlier blade and with apparantly interesting heritage, and might well have been used by an officer for a stylish dress sword. While obviously many blades would have been cut down according to standards in place, the officers had the latitude to a degree of carte blanche in thier weapons. It is not hard to imagine that an officer would not wish to effect an ancestral or prized blade to such permanent alteration, especially as a matter of compliance. There was a great deal of 'swagger' in these times, and the rather flamboyant status of the long formidable blade in accord with the image of the duellist and dashing officer would instantly come to mind here, or at least to Fernando and I

Fernando, excellent postulation there on the idea of the clear intent on the long blade, and I think the thought of an elegant dress sword, deadly but fashionable corresponds well with the deadly swordstick of the gentry.

Manolo, excellent suggestions (uh, I will take leave on the UFO's ) and the appearance of these armed arm in cloud on various blades from a wide number of countries is known. It is interesting that you mention Masonic associations, as it has been well suggested in many cases that there are indeed definite allusions in decorative features and other instances that may have Masonic origins. In the case of the 'armoured arm', I have not as yet found any Masonic association, but then I do not pretend to be have any profound understanding of Masonic ritual. I do very much like your observation on it though....

All very best regards, too often many guys steer clear of these kinds of theories, and I have run into lots of heavy flak for Masonic suggestions,
even without UFO embellishent!!! LOL! You're great Manolo!!

All very best regards,
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