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Old 15th February 2010, 03:24 AM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Going through more notes, and discovered that apparantly during the 18th century there were large exports of weapons from Netherlands to Portugal during wars with Spain. Also discovered that the cavities in star configuration at forte are apparantly a Dutch affinity seen in smallsword blades through the 18th century.....a number of blades with these are seen in "Blanke Wapens", J.P.Puype, 1981, #46,#58 and others.
These blades are from smallswords with similar section and size, and mostly about mid 18th century. The engraved motif on this blade includes groupings of the talismanically associated symbols from trade blades and military style theme such as a drum suggesting it is probably from a Dutch officers dress sword.

The English Georgian period cut steel fashion suggests this may have been a court or dress sword (of the 'quito style mentioned) during the period around the turn of the century into the first 10 or 15 years with the British interaction, and using an earlier, possibly heirloom blade.

Best regards,
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