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Old 14th February 2010, 11:51 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Fernando,
Very intriguing to see a sword with such a blade, and this courtly style hilt, which is indeed of end of 18th century. The styling seems to correspond somewhat to the cut steel type smallsword fashion of Matthew Boulton and some others in England about that time, and of course there was considerable contact at the time with the Netherlands.
The fragile beaded chain decoration is also very much in line with the beaded fashions of the period.
If I recall correctly, the type blade, especially with that petaled floral device stylized in sunbust fashion is characteristic of Dutch blades, as I believe was pointed out by Cornelis in a discussion some time ago. This may be a much earlier blade, which may account for such a long blade on a courtly weapon for dress occasions, perhaps it may be heirloom?

Just wanted to add this pending further research, and hopefully Cornelis might comment.

All the best,
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