Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Nicely patinated example of a Rajasthan type tulwar of about mid to late 19th century, most likely Rajput or possibly Sikh. While these forces were of course mounted, Sikhs were particularly feared for thier fast moving attacks from horseback. Rajputs often dismounted for combat.
Nice example of a well established form, and the patination looks great, please use restraint and stabilize any active corrosion using use gun oil or light oil , The patination on these old warriors is much of thier charisma.
All best regards,
the 'Akalis' were the most feared within the sikh army...
"They [Nihang Singhs] are without exception, the most insolent and worthless race of people under the sun. They move about constantly armed to the teeth, insulting everybody they meet, particularly Europeans… They are quite uncontrollable and the only way to deal with them is to exterminate them.” (Extract above is by Lieut. Colonel Steinbach in 1846)
I have a few more quotes but they are on my other laptop....I shall try putting them up.
http://www.shastarvidiya.org/ on the martial art of the Akali Nihang Sikhs.