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Old 11th February 2010, 01:33 AM   #23
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

In respect of the age of this keris, it is most often very difficult to be particularly accurate with age estimates from photos, however with this keris I am confident that the blade does pre-date WWII. As already noted, the hilt is not of particularly high quality, but I feel it may be older than it looks, and I would be inclined to place it as no later than mid-20th century; the scabbard probably dates from the same period. The wewer is probably not more than ten years old.

David, my perhaps longer than necessary post on wives and concubines was made in an attempt to try to convey the nature of the keris in its representative capacity. Let us not forget that a keris was able to represent its owner in situations other than those associated with the taking of wives or concubines. In the absence of an understanding of the nature of social contracts involving wives and concubines, I feel that it is not possible to understand the nature of the keris in this capacity.
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