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Old 10th February 2010, 08:50 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by kulbuntet
Hi all,

Dave, did you know that you can reconize Bayu from the fan in his hand? Both have one. In old day, Bali golden hilts were only for royals, im not sure iff its allowed to wear a golden hilt on a wedding or other ceremony nowdays. I have seen wedding fotos from bali and on all of them, the groom got a keris on his back with a white Waranka (highly posible ivory), same for the hilt, ivory(white) with silver angcup with gems, or silver hilt with also gems. I remember a post or story from some one that in some ocations the groom wear a rental kers... dont know iff its a tru story. The hilt in the op pic, is "tourist made" I have one here at home.. The stones are not stone.. their pastes or glas. made of brass, in some casses with thin gold layer.
Sorry, I don't think that the hilt tourist made and I think that not all "stones" from glass, the orange one and the milky one on the stomach seems to be real stones and the hilt shows some wear. Of course it's a very simple hilt and the blade is also not very fine worked while the sheat is of better quality.
Maybe a composition? But this is difficult to say by pictures.
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