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Old 3rd February 2010, 01:52 PM   #13
Tatyana Dianova
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 725

Jonathan, thank you a lot for the information and your compliments! And I think you know that the best compliments for the collector are some kind words about his much beloved sharp and pointy things :-) I believe that you have a marvelous Kukri collection yourself since you know the subject so well!
I have thought that the Dia Chirra kukri was at least as old as ‘A pig in a poke’ Kukri and that it is also from Nepal (they have similar specifications and handle design) – and I was wrong both times... There exists no magic formula sadly…
The blade construction of the second Kukri is pretty typical (well, 4 of 5 Kukri that I own have such a blade construction). I mean it is not a ‘shear steel’, but a laminated construction, with hard steel on the cutting edge plus some layers of steel on the both sides (a variation of . I keep such blades un-etched too…
I was afraid that the bolster is pretty much unrestorable: I do not want to remove the handle - and soldering steel is pretty difficult :-) The buttcap is steel, so bolster should be also steel, not brass, as in the link… But anyway, thank you for the link, maybe it will be useful for some other kukri in the future :-)
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