just bought this Turkish Officer's sword. The inscription is 'old' Turkish script and was used up to the end of WW1 ....after which they changed their alphabet to the latin characters. The inscription reads... 'Allah (god) is with us/me'.
Spear pointed and double edged ... all the descriptions of these swords state that the hilts are wooden .......mine is horn and almost certainly Rhino

which suggests to me perhaps the officer was a CO or higher rank ?
The 68cms (26 3/4") long blade is of good quality steel, diamond cross section, seems to be a very small "I" or a 'sideways' "H" stamp next to the guard. I believe the better blades were supplied by Germany (Solingen ?).
Came with a scabbard with a damaged end. The throat is much larger than the blade, so likely a later replacement ? Wooden core with brown leather similar to the British type used during WW1.
All comments and info greatly received, thank you
Regards David