Originally Posted by Tatyana Dianova
Spiral: it looks that your Kukri is from the same sword smith ‘school’ as mine :-) Thank you for showing it! Do you have any guesses or theories about their provenance or age? I am pretty sure that both are pre-WWII and most probably from Nepal, but I would like to know more :-)
Well Tatyana, to be exact in this case with these kukri is difficult of course, all I can do is look at specfic features , shape, structure, bolster, grip design & compare them to known examples, & also confusion arrises as of course sometimes earlier features could be copied at a later date on occasion so its an assesment or guesses of the averages of those features.
That said, Ill run though my thoughts as they occur, I dont belive this type of lamination would have occured in Nepal post C.1930 but of course that is impossible to proove definativly. But yes definatly pre.WW2.
The size of your piece is large enough to be used for religious animal sacrafice but also would be a common size to be a weapon in 19th century {Even very early 20th century.]. But to help further clarify what does it weigh? how long is its grip? & how far in front of the bolster is its balance point?
I think the kukri it is Nepaly made, not Indian the scabbard also appears typical Nepali scabbard, the blade lamination reminds me of Tibetan laminations but would love input from our Tibetan weapons collectors on that score as I am rather inexpierinced in that field, but it rather seems such work did go on in Nepal at some time, somehow, from the kukris I have had or seen..
Tha kaudi post shape I would think probably post c.1850 on your example.
But all in all I would think your kukri is mid to late 19th century to my mind, but it could be earlier or even later in truth {Although I doubt anything past c.1900 is realy likely.} But my best bet is mid to late 19th century. So probably 110 to 160 years old.
If I am wrong about the kaudi it even be could be early 19th century. [That would be from about 110 to say 200 years old.}
But all that in total is just is just a semi educated guess,

I am still a student of kukri myself & still learing as I go.
Whatever its exact age its a wonderfull piece for your collection. Great size shape & lamination pattern!