Thread: keris-film
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Old 23rd January 2010, 09:54 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Yes Rasdan, I can understand that you would.

As would anybody who read my words with no understanding of the Australian character or sense of humour.

I should have been more careful in my choice of words, and I should have realised that I was writing something that would be read by an international readership, not just an Australian readership.

It is a flaw in the Australian character, and most particularly in my character that much of what we say is said tongue in cheek. We tend to use obviously inaccurate over statement as vehicle for humour, we very often fail to take ourselves seriously, and similarly very often fail to take other people seriously.

These character traits can be a handicap when dealing with people who do not have the capacity to poke fun at life in general, and at aspects of life in particular.

It is probably true to say that I, and most other Australians of my generation and cultural descent, really only take those things seriously which can be considered to be of a weighty nature.

I offer my most sincere apologies for my failure to remember that many people regard some matters seriously, which I, and others may regard as so much mist in the wind.

Please forgive my lack of cultural sensitivity.
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