Thread: Projectile?
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Old 7th January 2010, 08:03 PM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I am wondering of the silver inlays might have been emplaced at a later time, perhaps after this weapon/component had been taken out of use and if it might have become a votive object? It does seem that in many cases that weaponry did become holdings in temples and monasteries, for example in Tibet (not suggesting this is Tibetan, just an instance) which served as revered objects for various purposes.
As has been noted, it does not seem that silver would have been inlaid in a tool or weapon, especially something which would have been lost in battle.
If the item was no longer in service, but became venerably associated with any number of events, person, purposes etc. perhaps symbolic marks might have been applied?

All best regards,
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