Originally Posted by Naga Sasra
Dear Forum Members,
As I stated back in post # 62, I believe any change of the forum rules must start at the registration level. A carefully written questionere followed by a statement and a simple check on either I agree or I disagree to the forum rules, will go a long way dealing with the Group B potential members.
This would also allow the moderators to act swiftly in the event the rules are violated.
But I will of cause leave any ruling to our very capable moderators, and please consider this just a suggestion. 
Hello to the Forum,
As I just saw that member
brekele is offering a formerly here presentet keris sundang parallel at the swap forum and at ebay - there two other keris with less informations - I would like to support the here made proposals from Naga Sasra, as I also think it has to start with the registration process.
I also think it would be a good ides to make a brief describing of someone's interests in following the forum compulsive - together with the from Naga Sasra proposed questionaries. But this also Naga Sasra already stated.
Anyway - this practise would mean to invest some time in the beginning, a kind of giving and not just taking.