Thread: hilt material ?
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Old 21st December 2009, 05:48 PM   #35
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I think we are have just a wee bit of language difficulties here. Let me try to me clearer.
Jan, people are responding to your early post because you clearly stated "nice hilt, but no ivory".
Now you have clarified that statement by saying it is not from an elephant, but from some other animal. Perhaps you are unaware that ivory comes from many different kinds of animals. If you read the posts on this you will see that no one else here thinks it is elephant either. The consensus seems to be leaning towards marine ivory, meaning from some sea-bound mammal. It could be dunong (sea cow), it could be from a whale. But all these animals produce material that is know as ivory. Danny's hilt if clearly made from one of these ivories. Right now the only question in my mind if which one and i am not convinced we will come to any definite conclusion on that.
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