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Old 19th December 2009, 05:07 PM   #95
Keris forum moderator
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Thanks Guawya, i think you make some good points and observations, perhaps the most important of which is the following.
Originally Posted by guwaya
I only see that the ethical code is the most important one (for me) which not to receive with restrictions. The ethical code has to be present all the time and hence has to stand as the BASIC PRINCIPLE at the beginning of a policy - before anything else.
Still, while i agree that the death penalty does not discourage murder (and i am not a proponent of it) i am still in favor of sticking convicted murders in jail for the rest of their lives (or at least until some DNA evidence proves their innocence). We must find a way to encourage and nurture ethical behavior, but we still cannot allow transgressors to take advantage of out tolerance and walk all over us. So in the end, like it or nor, new regulation is on the way. I am hoping that it will not be over-bearing and restrictive, but since, as you say, Group B is not likely to respond to our "Ethics by Example" methods we simply must create some new rules that make it more difficult for them to operate among us.
If you would like to learn more about what forum rules are already in place you will find "sticky" (meaning they don't move) threads at the top of each forum explain them.
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