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Old 17th December 2009, 09:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by vampire
in mine land ,we have a saying
that is like this ,if you play the bal
do not be supriced if some one plays it back
Perhaps Jan, but what we are doing here is not a competitive sport and the goal is not to win the game.
Originally Posted by vampire
i do give mine opinion over a book that ,many say
buy it is the end
well i do not think so ,mine good right
you seem to share the same opion
Actually we don't share the same opinion. I think that Cato's book is a fine one, albeit one with certain limitation, but i am quite happy to have it in my library. Again, please name a better book that is specifically written on the subject of Moro swords. There aren't any, but Cato, so for now it remains the best we have on the subject in spite of it's flaws.
Originally Posted by vampire
mine reaction is simly a reaction on his reaction
if you do not know your counterpart be easy with
your advice ,yes
but i see there is a world of diverence between
rick and jan.
As i see it yours is an over reaction to Rick's reaction. You seem to be seeking information here, correct? You admitted in a previous thread that you are new to Moro kris so one might infer that you are indeed looking for some help on the subject, that you do not indeed know it all. Rick made a friendly effort to direct you to more information on the subject. He agreed with you that Cato has limitations and that we have made some progress on his work right here in our forum, but he supported the book for being ground breaking on the subject, which it is being the first and only book on the subject. You chose to take his friendly advice to search our archives defensively as if it were some kind of insult to your honor. My friendly advice to you is get over that.
Originally Posted by vampire
that will be the end of this
for your info i spend time in your memory banks
also spend some time in the books of europe
and if some one can not critiseze a book
without beeing ...............
i wonder if this is the place to be
grt the vampire
You spent time in our memory banks? How many of the 500 threads on the subject did you actually get deeply into in this short period of time?
You are, of course, more than welcome to provide constructive criticism to any published book. You should also expect that you will then find people who both agree and disagree with your position or parts of it. Taking offense to the disagreements or resisting suggestions for your research is not likely to take you very far. Whether or not this is the place to be only you can decide for yourself.
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