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Old 17th December 2009, 09:14 PM   #10
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: amsterdam holland
Posts: 28
Smile hai bill

thank you for your words
indeed there is more to the moro people that meets the eye
for some time i have spend time in citys like oro etc
and i see a lot about the early dutch that came there so
long ago.
about the book i did expect a lot more ,so i was very disapointed
when i did get it
oke water under the bridge
here in holland we hear about a book the is on the writers table
also some how we are not all the same happy people
what i like is the difference between the indonesians and the philippino
people in language and style
i do think the moro kris was born in war etc
and in the indonesian isle there was a need of the spirts in there live
how we will see
bill i have to work ,but would like to have a change of minds
greet to all jan smit
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