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Old 12th December 2009, 08:46 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Gess
Hello Gene!
I liked your argument about the love of swords. We (collectors) from different countries, in the old days would not only fight well, but also to salute the enemy for his bravery. We are united by something spiritual, that is not at all. Nurture Alexander to these values.
Once again, congratulations! Health of your wife, your little son, and you (the head of the big family health and forces are also needed) of course.
In Russia there is the traditional toast: "Za nojki!" Drinks the friends new-found Father.
Protect God Your entire family, let all be well and happy.

Hi Gess,

Thank you for your kind words. I completely agree with you.
It's the great paradox of our existence, that so much of our culture and so many of our achievements are driven by, or born out of our conflict with each other.
But learning and respecting our past 'where we have come from' perhaps we can one day consign all weapons (not just edged) to museums, collections and 'dojos'.

Forums like this are a fantastic thing. Conversations such as we are having bring such diverse people together, initially because of a shared interest, but often 'evolving' into deeper, if sometimes subtle discussions where we all gain a greater understanding of each other.
Then hopefully we realise that what we share is so much more than what separates us.

On a personal level, I think back to my childhood, and I would have never dreamed that I could be 'talking' as friends to you in what was then the CCCP.
That alone is a good enough reason for me to have hope for the future and the world that little Alex is going to 'inherit'.

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