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Old 14th November 2009, 06:00 AM   #16
Gavin Nugent
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Default Thanks Gents

Thanks Gents,

I have hundreds of notes and extracts here from Congress to well known authors and the information you have is very much what many online history books tell but it differs greatly across many researching facets. The battle of Bayan was 1902 as indicated but much more surrounds this scene.

There are records I have of Skirmishes prior to this event with the camp being in these notes and being involved in conflict enroute in 1901. It is a foggy journey and one that will come to light in time but things are getting far ahead of where I wanted to take this for the moment.

The provenance is something I wanted to leave out of the picture in its entirety as it is glossing over to much foundation work that needs to be done first and whilst I appreciate your interest in providing information to sustain or dispel the tag, first thing is first and back to the subject at hand for me, would this be considered a Kampalin form the region of southern lake Lanao?

Battara, you note the LURKER as saying the tag was missing, is this fact and if so, do they know the where abouts of it?
Actually, if anyone knows where it is, it belongs with this sword.
If all proves to be correct with further study of aquisition and decent, someone has tampered with a very important piece of Moro/American History.
I must also note a number of enquiries have already come through my site asking if this is for sale, I will state for the record, it is not.
It was my hope to present this to the Pershing Museum should it all ring true as that both the sword and the tag belong there for all to view and understand.



Last edited by freebooter; 14th November 2009 at 07:35 AM.
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