Originally Posted by Battara
Folks, I just received these pictures from a "lurker" who was going to also bid on this same item. He received these pictures of the original tag (that got lost) before bidding was closed. He offers these as an answer to the question of origin. Thank you to our lurker friend. 
Thank you Battara. I was aware of the 'presumed provenance' but were not prepared to accept the tag notations until further investigation has taken place once I received the item. There was no reason to cloud efforts to establish the style and form with focus on the stated provenance
Obviously there was intent to bid on it due to these details.
Do you Battara think it is of the Maranao people?
Does Mr lurker care to share any information?
I have been told by many here you are very knowledgeable on the subject Battara and I like all readers would love to hear more thoughts on this piece?
You note the tag as missing? Whilst now having these images printed for all to see it may deter the tag being used on another such example and miss leading history.
I look forward to hearing more from you as you are more learned on the subject.