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Old 3rd October 2009, 09:40 AM   #10
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on a more delicate note, here is a british victorian era defence cane, it's about 33.5 in long, 1.5 in wide just ahead of the bulbous grip, 1/2 in. thick at the same point. it's tear-drop shaped in cross section with a fairly sharp 'edge' to concentrate a blow's force. the shaft tapers to a 1/2 in. wide x 1/4 in thick tip. it's made of a hard unknown reddish wood with a fair patina. i doubt it's heavy enough to break bones, but it is sufficient to hurt & see off a less determined assailant, and the tip can be used in thrusting against a throat, eyes, or into a mouth with effect.

Victorian cane defence video linky

also includes irish stick fighting

the cane as a defence weapon linky

partway down the page... some interesting links on english stick fighting.
i'd assume that as a gentlemans cane was a fashion item in the 1800's, many countries would know the gentle art of bashing out someone's brains with a stick.
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