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Old 2nd October 2009, 06:30 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,247

Hi Marc,

Thanks for the references!

To clarify my side, the Guanches ( Wikipedia link) had a long sword/club they called a magado or magido (it's listed as a mace on Wikipedia, but other references say it was long, wooden and sword-like). That's what I was wondering about. Supposedly, the magido was a chief's weapon, and they actually beat the Spaniards with this and other indigenous weapons, which makes for a good story (and might be true. A 15th Century British sailor with a quarterstaff took on a number of Spanish swordsman in duels, and beat them all).

I can easily believe that the guanches got the idea and the name "magido" from Basque whalers, but I was wondering what the Canary Island version looked like. And yes, I've read everything I can get my hands on regarding Juego del palo. I'm unclear on how much that sport is a descendent of the guanche martial traditions, and how much came over with the Europeans.


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