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Old 29th September 2009, 07:57 PM   #6
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Posts: 23

Hoi Maurice, thanks for replying and the welcome, a pleasure to be here!

Amuk Murugul, thanks for the information, it is better than i had hoped for...

They were worn by Soenda Senapati (military officers) as far back as the 15thC (perhaps even earlier).

My first guess is that they might be more recent because of the apparently European influence on the scabbards foot, a bit like some Parang Nabur.
May i ask what source you used? Are they being mentioned in a book that you might know of ? Also thanks for posting the photo, where was it taken? mvg

CharlesS, the blade on mine is quite sharp and it has some marks of usage on it, but i dont think it has the most effectiveness in actual combat compared to other weaponry, so i wonder too.
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