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Old 29th September 2009, 12:31 AM   #4
Amuk Murugul
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Location: Kaboejoetan Galoenggoeng Mélben
Posts: 468

Hullo everybody,

The item you have there is what is called a Gobang Soenda (gobang=sabel=sabre).
They were worn by Soenda Senapati (military officers) as far back as the 15thC (perhaps even earlier).
Not surprising that it is sometimes referred to as 'Golok Bengkulu' since that area was a busy area of commerce for the Soenda during the 14th-15thC and people not familiar with Soenda weaponry generally refer to any long knife as a 'golok' (although a golok forms only part of a warrior's standard 'wear').

I have attached a photo of similar items.


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