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Old 26th September 2009, 07:37 PM   #1
klewang's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 23
Default Indonesian golok ? Information wanted

Hello there,
I recently signt up for this forum and i'm curicous if anyone here could help me with this one. The previous owner refferded to it as an Indonesian cunderik, but i have my doubts about the fact that they named it a cunderik.
To me it seems more like an golok, although not a common one and likely from Sumatera or West-java , judging it from the hilt (wich unfortunately has a crack in its metal covering).
If anyone here could give me some more information about its age, origin and more,i would like to hear, every response is welcome.
By the way English is not my native language, but you probably already have noticed that .

Greeting from The Netherlands
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