Thread: Ukiran
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Old 25th September 2009, 06:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Michel
Thank you Detlef,
Now that I have seen it, it does not look as peculiar as I initially thought.
In your first picture, I saw a bird with a double beak. I had never seen a double beak with long upper mandible divided in two. Now it is clear it is just a long, very long beak.
Do you think it was made for a keris ? or was it just sculpted as an artistic expression ?
Have you been able to assemble you very nice collection just in Germany or have you had to travel in Indonesia to assemble it ?
Thanks for sharing
Hello Michel,

this type of hilts are from Lampung, Sumatra. Many of my hilts, also this one, I have collected in Indonesia. I don't know exactly if this is an old one but you can see at the hole for the pesi that it have been on a keris one time. When you have the book from Martin Kerner "Keris-Griffe aus Museen und Privatsammlungen" look at page 128, there is a very similar hilt. Also in the third book from Tammens "De Kris 3" on page 183, picture 166 is a similar hilt. The one Rick want to see is also a Lampung hilt.
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