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Old 22nd September 2009, 12:17 AM   #12
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Kaboejoetan Galoenggoeng Mélben
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Hi everybody,

I see the usual problem of naming an article.

It is definitely not a golok.
However, it was made in Soenda and it is a short sword (by European standards). The Soenda generic word for sword is 'pedang'.(BTW... I should emphasise that the piece is a good quality commercial piece, not as good as a military piece )

Are we going to quibble and be pedantic about whether it should be called a shortsword/hunting-sword/hunting-dagger/forestry-sword/forestry-dagger (English), hirschfanger (German) or hartsvanger (Dutch)?

As for the bit about the Jakarta workshop,.... Not surprising!
Ref. saying:'Ada doeit....can do it....'
...anything can be done for the right money.....

If we want to play the blame game...
Quite a few vendors/dealers (especially from Europe where prices are relatively higher than in the USA) go to Indo once or twice a year to stock up. Some among them have 'special requests'.

......Big Brother is watching....

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