Thread: Ron Gendhuru
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Old 6th September 2009, 10:42 PM   #17
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Jean,

Welcome to the forum!

Did you hit the upload button in the lower right corner after browsing to the respective file(s) to be attached? Actually, it is preferable to upload each pic separately (rather than doing several at once) since this preserves their order. BTW, there is a maximum width (1000 pixels?) and height (1280 pixels) as well as maximum size (200 Kb) constraint for pics.

I've sporadically lost uploaded pics by further working on posts like doing previews, etc. Thus, I prefer to finish the text first, preview it, and, as a last step, upload pics (wait till each upload is complete and then close the pop-up window), verify wether they are shown on the main reply window, and finally hit the submit button...

In case this doesn't help, shoot me an email or PM and I'll try to walk you through the pics posting procedure.

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