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Old 3rd September 2009, 10:44 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Jens,
It seems one of the unfortunate realities that some individuals seem to ask questions on very pertinant topics, and when responses are made, we have no way of knowing whether the efforts extended were of any use as they simply do not make note or courtesy responses.

I would think that out of courtesy, one would follow up on thier posts, and try to make a comment or thank you. Sometimes maybe they are having computer trouble or a hard time at work or who knows, in any case, it clearly is often disappointing.

I do know that most of my writing is often for my own learning , which comes from the research necessary to write on the topics I address, and I complete the posts to hopefully share what I have found with others. Despite the lack of response which is sometimes apparant, the information extended by those of us participating and shared is typically pertinant in some degree, and often serves for future research for those who do use the search functions here.

I always get excited when I see topics concerning Indian arms, as it does seem the subject becomes dormant frequently, and I am always hoping for new entries. Thanks again!

All very best regards,
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