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Old 27th August 2009, 12:08 PM   #7
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Default Dutch Horseknifes "Paardemes"

In the province "Zeeland" ( south west Netherlands ) it was custom for every man to have his own "Paeremes". A traditionally carved knife for table,kitchen and other use and part of the local dress especially on sunday.
knifes where also give to a bride and groom on the weddingparty.

The horse knifes where mostly carved by a local carver and a knife was always decorated on top with two horses between each other.

most knife date from the period 1700-1900 often the knife are dated into the carving. They are quite expensive especially the older ones.

The art of carving these knifes is almost gone and as far as I know there's only one old man who carves sometimes one.

As son of a Zeeuw I'm thinking to pick up the production of these knifes,just to save the art for the future.....

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