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Old 5th August 2009, 06:16 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by kronckew
not all the lucets i saw in the internet had holes. i'm tending towards that option. even monks or nuns would have done something like lucetting to occupy their time and make useful cords.

of course, it is also likely to be a plumber's tool.
True, there are quite a few lucets in googles images that do not have holes in them, but what most of them do seem to have in common is that they bow outward at the top of the forks to keep the string or rope on the forks while working. Fernando's example does not do this, infact the forks seem to angle in slightly and i think the rope would be likely to slip off, so i don't think this is a lucet.
I am also dubious about whether it is a weapon of any kind.
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